
Deadlines for appeal submission and timescales for consideration of appeals.

Submission deadlines

An appeal cannot be lodged until the Board of Examiners or decision-maker has published its final decision. For course marks or degree outcomes, you will be notified of final decisions in EUCLID Student View. Please note that results on LEARN may not yet be ratified or moderated so please check EUCLID.

You must submit your appeal promptly and within the timescales below.

Appeals against Academic decisions

Year of study

Appeal timescale


Undergraduate Final Year


within 30 working days of the result being issued


Undergraduate other years


within 10 working days of the result being issued


Postgraduate taught and research students – all years      


within 30 working days of the result being issued

Appeals against decisions of Student Discipline Officers or the Student Discipline Committee

All - within 10 working days of the receipt of the decision.

Appeals against decisions of Fitness to Practise Panels

All - within 10 working days of the receipt of the decision.

Appeals against Exclusion

All - within 10 working days of the receipt of the decision.

Appeals against Support for Study Stage 3

All – within 10 working days of the receipt of the decision.

Late appeals

Late appeals will only be considered in extraordinary circumstances that explain and evidence why the appeal could not be submitted on time. The decision as to whether or not extraordinary circumstances exist for acceptance of an appeal is taken by an appeal committee. For late appeals, students are expected to include any explanation or evidence for lateness in the appeal submission.

Timescales for Consideration of an Appeal

We are currently receiving a high volume of appeal submissions. We are working to ensure that each appeal submission is dealt with in as timely a manner as possible, but there are unavoidable delays in informing appellants of their appeal outcome at this time. Your patience is appreciated. 

Each appeal is handled individually so we cannot specify how long an appeal will take to be processed. However, we aim to have each appeal submission considered by a Sub-Committee of the relevant Appeal Committee, and the appellant informed of the outcome, within 8 – 10 weeks of receipt. Some appeals may require more or less time depending on each case’s factors. 

At peak times, such as following the release of degree classifications, examination results and progression decisions, there may be a delay to informing students of their appeal outcomes.