
Steps in the annual progression review process.

  • The annual review process is supported by an online system which students can access via the MyEd portal and staff via the EUCLID system.
  • The process begins when the student is notified by a system-generated email that their annual review form report is ready to complete. Once the student has completed their part, the supervisors complete their sections.
  • The student prepares a presentation or report, including a forward plan of their work, before the meeting, with help from the supervisor(s) if needed.
  • The review will be conducted by a panel which includes all the supervisory team and may include one or more people appointed by the School.
  • The student attends a review meeting where they may need to give an oral presentation and the panel will review the student’s presentation or report. (Students studying at distance may choose to attend annual progression review meetings in person. If this is not possible meetings may take place online.)
  • The panel will decide whether they think the student can progress to their next year, and will provide the student with feedback.
  • The supervisors will advise the School Postgraduate Director (or Head of the Graduate School) regarding the formal progression recommendation for submission to the College Committee for its approval. The student, supervisors, reviewer and School Postgraduate Director, or Head of Graduate School, then sign-off the online report before the supervisors’ and Directors’ progression recommendation is submitted to the College Committee for its approval (students cannot participate in the progression decision-making process).
  • If the panel identifies concerns about a student’s progress following any review, then it can recommend several different ways forward.