Learning analytics

Information on the University’s Principles and Purposes for Learning Analytics, the policy and procedures setting out how the University will manage practical implementation issues (for example data protection), the governance and approval arrangements for introducing new learning analytics arrangements, and frequently asked questions for staff interested in developing learning analytics arrangements.

Learning Analytics is concerned with how data generated by learning management systems, student systems and other sources can be used to understand, and improve, the learning experiences of students.

The University’s Principles and Purposes for Learning Analytics.

The policy and procedures setting out how the University will manage issues such as data governance, consent and security when developing and operating learning analytics systems.

Information on the governance and approval arrangements for introducing new learning analytics arrangements.

Frequently Asked Questions for staff interested in developing learning analytics arrangements.

Learning analytics activities

Information on other Learning Analytics activities at the University is available at:

Information Services Learning Analytics


For further information, contact:

Tom Ward

Director of Academic Services

Contact details