Thesis assessment

Assessment regulations, examiners' initial report, the viva and examiner recommendations.

Assessment regulations, including examiner roles and responsibilities, conduct of assessment, thesis regulations and assessment decisions are set out in the Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees.

Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees

All research degrees (apart from MSc by Research) are assessed in two stages; the initial report by the examiners followed by an oral exam or viva voce, often referred to as the “viva”.

Each thesis is assessed by at least one External and one Internal Examiner, who are appointed by the College. Internal Examiners are members of University staff. External Examiners are from outside the University and have specialist knowledge relevant to the thesis.

What examiners assess in their pre-viva reports.

When and where the oral examination, 'the viva', will be held.

Recommendations the examiners can make after the viva and before approval by the College Committee.