Code of Practice for Supervisors and Research Students

Guidance for postgraduate research supervisors and students on roles and responsibilities and the student-supervisor relationship. Includes information on annual progression reviews, thesis preparation and assessment, and absences and concessions.

Downloadable versions of the Code of Practice:


Introduction to the Code of Practice and its relationship to the University's regulatory framework.

Student, supervisor and College committee roles and responsibilities.

Expectations on contact and supervisory meetings and what happens if the supervisory relationship breaks down.

Information about the annual progression review process and things to consider if there are problems with progress.

Preparing the thesis for submission, the assessment process, corrections and resubmissions following the viva and submitting the final thesis after the degree award.

Advice on support for students through leave of absence, interruptions and extensions, vacation and parental leave, withdrawal and exclusion.

Where to find academic and pastoral support, wellbeing information, skills training and supervisor training, and information on University appeals, complaints and conduct processes.