Student Support Services Annual Review

Annual support service monitoring process, policy and guidance information.

Arrangements for 2023-24 reporting

  • The SSSAR sub-committee will hold two in-person meetings during 2024-25, first to consider the service annual reports and then to explore common themes arising from annual reports and share good practice.
  • Reporting deadline for Services is Monday 7 October 2024.

Reporting template

Revised annual quality report template for 2023-24:


Sharing good practice

We will continue to share good practice identified in the Student Support Services reports. 

Readers and peer reviewers

All service reports will be reviewed by one reader (member of the sub-committee) and one peer reviewer (Head of another service). Readers and reviewers  template for reader/reviewer reporting is below - the list of readers and reviewers for the current year will be updated once they are allocated.

Policy and guidance 

Student Support Services policy and guidance

The SSSAR assures the quality of the student experience with regard to services. Authority for the oversight of Student Support Service review lies with Senate QAC. Monitoring of services is delegated to the Senate QAC sub-committee. The sub-committee reports annually to Senate QAC, including commendations and recommendations to student support services. The sub-committee remit and membership is included in the the Student Support Services Review Policy. The policy sets out the process for reviewing the named services. Services will be provided with feedback from report readers/peer reviewer.



Patrick Jack

Academic Policy Officer

Contact details