Contact and supervisory meetings

Agreeing the purpose and frequency of meetings and record keeping.

Students rely on contact with their supervisors for guidance and intellectual input to their research. Supervision meetings provide time for discussing all matters relating to the student’s research and development, including feedback on written work. Meetings and regular contact may take place face-to-face or online.

If the Principal Supervisor is absent for more than six consecutive weeks, the College will ensure alternative supervision arrangements are in place.

Agreeing the purpose and frequency of supervisory meetings

Students must maintain contact with their supervisor as required and at least twice in every three month period. Students on a Student visa should demonstrate active and consistent academic engagement with their studies at least every 30 days (as noted in the Sponsored Research Student Engagement Guidance). If possible, all meaningful engagement should be recorded and monitored, with a minimum of 12 engagement points during the active research phase of their programme.

International Student Attendance and Engagement Policy

It is important that both student and supervisory team agree, at the start of the programme, how often meetings will be held and the purpose of meetings. It is important that students can easily contact their supervisors for advice, so supervisors may also be available for additional non-scheduled meetings. Students can initiate meetings but supervisors need to ensure that the minimum contact requirements are met.

The amount of contact between student and supervisors will vary depending on the length of the programme, how the research is being done and how much support the student needs. For example, there may be more meetings in the first few months when the research project is being defined.

Sometimes supervision will be at distance, for example if the student is working away from Edinburgh or is on a recognised distance learning programme. The supervisory team and the student will need to make sure arrangements are in place to support distance supervision, for example internet access and consider any time differences at the student’s location.

Keeping records of supervisory meetings

Recording supervisory meetings helps the student and supervisory team keep track of actions and decisions. Therefore, students should provide their Principal Supervisor with a written note including:

  • The date and purpose of the meeting.
  • Any problems identified.
  • Action points.