Disability and Learning Support Service

Information and advice for disabled students and staff supporting disabled students.

The Disability and Learning Support Service provides information and advice to disabled students and staff supporting disabled students. The Service:

  • Determines a range of reasonable adjustments based on assessment of student needs.
  • Supports students to apply for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) or University funding if funded support is required.
  • Provides a range of student support assistants (for example notetaker, library assistant, proofreader, mental health mentor, Specific Learning Differences Tutor).
  • Advises supervisors and professional services staff on supporting disabled students and specific support adjustments to study, examination and assessment procedures.

Students with conditions that will impact on study should contact the Disability and Learning Support Service as soon as possible. (*Includes dyslexia, long term mental health problems, students on the autistic spectrum, as well as physical and sensory impairments.)

Disability and Learning Support Service

Regulations on “Reasonable Adjustments” to assessments for disabled students are included in the University’s assessment regulations.

Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees