
Information on the University's Quality Framework.

The University is responsible for its academic standards and the quality of the student learning experience.  It is committed to reflecting on and systematically reviewing its provision and taking action to enhance it.  The Quality Framework supports the management of academic standards and the student experience across the University’s academic provision and student services and aligns with external body requirements, including the Scottish Quality Enhancement Framework (QEF).   

Scottish Quality Enhancement Framework (QEF)

Information on quality assurance and enhancement roles and responsibilities.

Information on the role and policy for taught External Examiners, handbooks for external examining of taught and research degrees, nomination forms and the External Examiner Reporting System.

Information about institutional reviews by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), including key documents and links to QAA reports on the outcomes.

Periodic internal review processes for taught and research provision, student support services and College and School annual monitoring, review and reporting.

Information on the current Enhancement Theme and previous activity.

Effective student representation is a vital part of the University’s quality assurance and teaching and learning enhancement processes.

Information on collaborative provision with partner organisations and accreditation by professional, statutory and regulatory bodies.

The Quality Code sets out fundamental principles that should apply to higher education quality across the UK.