Principles and purposes

The University’s Principles and Purposes for Learning Analytics.

The University has a short document setting out the Principles and Purposes of the University's approach to Learning Analytics.  Following consultation, the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) and Knowledge Strategy Committee (KSC) approved this document in May / June 2017.



The Principles and Purposes were developed by a task group convened by Professor Dragan Gasevic, Chair of Learning Analytics and Informatics. The group, which included representatives from Colleges and the Edinburgh University’s Students Association, undertook a range of communication and engagement activities in Semester Two, 2016-17, to support the development of the Policy, including:


  • Discussion at Senate on 1 February 2017
  • Discussion at the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC) and Knowledge Strategy Committee (KSC) in January/February 2017
  • Meetings with Schools, Colleges, and other stakeholders
  • A sample-based student survey, and a staff survey
  • Focus groups with staff and students
  • Opportunities for stakeholders to provide written submissions on a set of Principles and Purposes