Students' Association

The Advice Place and student representation.

All students, including Postgraduate Research (PGR) students, automatically become members of the Students’ Association when they join the University. As members, PGR students have access to a wide range of activities and services including student representation, student-led societies and peer support groups, and our free and impartial Advice Place.

For more information, visit:

Edinburgh University Students' Association

Email, or visit our Welcome Desk at Potterrow.

The Advice Place

The Advice Place is a free, impartial and confidential advice service open to all students and run by the Students’ Association. Their professional advisors can offer advice and support on a range of topics including funding, accommodation, access to healthcare, and academic life.

For more information on the advice available and how to access the service, visit:

The Advice Place

 or email  

Student voice

The Students’ Association supports over 1300 student representatives who ensure that students have a voice at the University and create positive change on the issues that matter to students.

Each year, student representatives are elected or volunteer, and after receiving training from the Students’ Association, they work with staff across the University to enhance their student experience.

PGR students are encouraged to engage with student representation – whether by volunteering as a representative, engaging in elections, or providing feedback to their representatives – to ensure that the Students’ Association and the University are responding effectively to the concerns of PGR students. For more information on student voice, visit:

Your voice

or email