What is an appeal

What can, and cannot, be considered under the Student Appeal Regulations.

An appeal is a request for reconsideration of a decision that has been taken in relation to the following:

  • Academic decisions, e.g., degree awards and classification, course results, progression outcomes, academic misconduct mark penalties
  • Exclusion from studies (except on the basis of non-matriculation)
  • Outcomes under the Code of Student Conduct
  • Decisions of Student Fitness to Practise Committees
  • Outcomes under the Support for Study policy Stage 3

The following cannot be considered under these regulations:

  • Decisions related to applications to study at the University of Edinburgh
  • Decisions on degree transfers and course change requests
  • Exclusion from studies due to non-matriculation
  • Information included on transcripts
  • Decisions related to fees or funding
  • Concession request decisions, including authorised interruption of study requests
  • Challenges to academic or professional judgment from a decision-making body or officer

Grounds for appeal

In order to submit an appeal, students must ensure that their case meets one or more of the specific grounds under which an appeal may be submitted. It is important to note that, in order for your appeal to be upheld, you must satisfy one or more of the stated grounds of appeal. The grounds for appeal are outlined fully within the Student Appeal Regulations.

Appeals which will not be accepted

Appeals will not be accepted where they consist of:

  • A challenge to academic judgement: When a judgment has been applied according to established policy, regulation or procedure. It is accepted that the academic staff who mark students’ assessed work make a judgment about the quality of the work against an agreed marking scheme and the final mark is taken to be a reasonable judgment by an academic expert. Students cannot appeal , when they feel their coursework was deserving of a higher mark, or that a different decision should have been made in relation to to an Exceptional Circumstances request.
  • A student’s disagreement or belief that they deserve a different outcome cannot constitute a ground for appeal.
  • The retrospective notification of Exceptional Circumstances affecting performance. Ignorance of the requirements for the submission of exceptional circumstances to disclose to University support services, or failure to submit Exceptional Circumstances, does not constitute grounds for appeal.

Appeal outcomes

An appeal is a request for the re-consideration of a decision by the body that made the original decision. Only the relevant Board of Examiners, Exceptional Circumstances Committee, Progression Board or other decision making body can make decisions on your case. If your appeal is upheld by an Appeal committee, it is referred back to the original body that made the decision for their re-consideration, in light of the information contained within your appeal. However, an upheld appeal does not guarantee a change in academic decision.

The Appeal Committee can only provide two outcomes:

  • The appeal is not upheld as no grounds have been established. Appeal proceedings are concluded and the case is dismissed;
  • The appeal is upheld as grounds have been established. The Appeal Committee instructs the relevant decision-making body or officer to re-consider the original decision in light of the upheld information.

The Appeal Committee does not provide the following outcomes:

  • Changes to marks
  • Allowing students to pass
  • Re-marking work
  • Award re-sit
  • Reverse a decision or penalty
  • Change an Exceptional Circumstances decision
  • Remove the requirement to repeat a year or pass core courses

Appeal statistics 2018/19 - 2022/23

Appeal Statistics (103.54 KB / PDF)