The viva

When and where the oral examination, 'the viva', will be held.

The viva, is normally held within three months of thesis submission, however the exact date will depend on:

  • When the Notice of Intention to Submit form is submitted by the student.
  • When the thesis is submitted by the student.
  • How long it takes to select and appoint examiners.
  • How long the examiners require to examine the thesis.
  • When everyone involved is available to meet for the oral examination, including any visa restrictions on the student’s availability.

The examiners and the student attend the viva. The Internal Examiner is responsible for ensuring the arrangements for the exam are made and for chairing the exam. Sometimes a non-examining chair will be appointed and the Internal Examiner will notify the student if this is the case. The role of the non-examining chair is included in the Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees. The examiners may use the viva to establish a student’s knowledge of their field of research, to establish the extent of any collaboration and to confirm that the work is the student’s own.

The viva is usually held in Edinburgh, but where necessary, one or more participants may attend remotely with College Committee approval.

PhD by Research oral examinations by video link