Where to get advice

Where to get advice on your appeal submission, and where to get advice on the appeal process.

Appeal advice

We recommend that you seek advice from The Advice Place, which is run by Edinburgh University Students’ Association. The Academic Advisers at the Advice Place are professional staff who are experienced in the University’s student appeals process.

They can offer independent advice and guidance on lodging an appeal, and throughout the process itself. The Advice Place website has a section dedicated to appeals.

Edinburgh University Students' Association academic appeals page

Process advice

As the department that administers the appeal process, the Appeal team cannot provide appellants with advice or guidance on the strengths or merits of any potential appeal, as this may constitute a conflict of interest.  However, the appeal team can provide advice on the procedural aspects of the University's appeal process and can be reached via the email address below:

Email: academic.appeals@ed.ac.uk