Students working during study

Part-time working during study, University policy and information for student visa holders.

Work benefits both student and employer, but good self-management is needed to make sure students meet their research commitments. It is also important for students to maintain a good work-life balance.

The University will employ full-time postgraduate research students for no more than an average of 9 hours per week across the academic year (this is University policy) and recommends that students also apply this limit to work with other employers. Students should discuss any proposed employment with their Principal Supervisor.

If students get funding for their research, they must also check whether there are any restrictions or conditions on the amount of work they are allowed to do. Most funders allow some part-time work, particularly in areas relevant to the students’ research, and encourage a common sense approach to other paid work.

For Student visa holders, there are additional limits on employment set by the UK Home Office.  More information on visa implications for students is available on the University website:

Part-time work during studies

More information on combining part-time work with study is available on the Careers Service website:

Build experience 

The University’s Policy for tutors and demonstrators is also available online:

Tutors and demonstrators