Research students

Updated Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees, student policies and associated guidance.


Code of Practice for Supervisors and Research Students

Minor updates to reflect changes to regulations, policy and practice.

Postgraduate assessment regulations for research degrees

We have clarified the parameters regarding repeat annual review for part-time students. Information on key changes is set out in the Key Changes document below.


Student Maternity and Parental Leave Policy

This policy (previously called Student Maternity and Family Leave Policy) has been reviewed and extensively updated to promote ease of use and more inclusive support for students.

Student Maternity and Parental Leave Policy

Academic Appeal Regulations

These regulations have been reviewed and updated to provide greater clarity, especially regarding the following issues:

  • what decisions may and may not be subject to appeal;
  • the concept of “academic judgement”;
  • students’ responsibilities for their work, and when submitting an appeal;
  • grounds for appeal;
  • appeal outcomes.

The revised policy removes the option for cases to be handled by the full Appeal Committee, which was no longer used in practice and did not offer benefit to students appealing.

Student Appeal Regulations