Resilient Learning Communities

Information on the University’s work on the current Enhancement Theme.

The Enhancement Themes are selected by the Scottish higher education sector and provide a means for institutions, academic staff, support staff and students to work together in enhancing the student learning experience.

The current Theme will focus on meeting the changing needs and values of an increasingly diverse student community and a rapidly changing external environment.

The Theme runs for three years from August 2020 to July 2023.  It looks to answer these key questions:

  • What will our learning communities look like in 2023? And what can we do now to prepare for them?
  • Who are our current and future students and how will they want to learn?  How can we gain a clear understanding of their needs?   What information do we need to enable us to best support their learning?
  • How can we capitalise as a sector on the attributes students bring?
  • How do we ensure we are able to support our diverse learning communities?  What might this mean for our staff and our infrastructure?
  • How should we anticipate, influence and respond to the changing external environment?  How can we engage with our stakeholders and ensure we are influencing strategy and policy both in Scotland and beyond?

Across these questions there are four priority areas: equality and diversity; community and belonging; supporting staff and student success; and flexible, accessible learning.

Enhancement Themes information

More information on the current Theme is available on the Enhancement Themes website.

Resilient Learning Communities

Institutional Work

Information on the University’s Theme activity.

Enhancement Themes: institutional work

Institutional Lead

Professor Tina Harrison

Assistant Principal Academic Standards & Quality Assurance

  • Business School
  • University of Edinburgh

Contact details

Institutional Coordinator

Nichola Kett

Academic Services

Contact details

Institutional Team

Enhancement Themes institutional team
Professor Tina HarrisonAssistant Principal Academic Standards and Quality AssuranceInstitutional Lead
Nichola KettHead of Quality Assurance and EnhancementTheme Leaders’ Group
Tara GoldVice President Education, Edinburgh University Students’ AssociationTheme Leaders’ Group student representative
Stuart LamontAcademic Policy CoordinatorEdinburgh University Students’ Association staff member
Dr Jon TurnerDirectorInstitute for Academic Development
Dr Fiona PhilippiHead of Doctoral Education/Deputy Head of Researcher Development, Institute for Academic DevelopmentDoctoral education Researcher/researcher development representative
PhD Interns

Yuemiao Ma

Bradley Sharples

Building Communities PhD Intern

Building Communities PhD Intern