Programme and Course Design

Introduction to course and programme design, and supporting resources from previous training events.

 Introduction to Course and Programme Design

Whether it’s assessment and feedback, student experience or teaching methods, it all starts with good programme and course design.  Careful attention to how programmes and courses are designed can make a real difference to the student learning experience.  Good programme and course design are not one-off events, these are iterative processes.  Time invested up front at this stage will be well worth while and help and support is available.

Professor Susan Rhind

Previous Board of Studies Training Sessions

Academic Year 2023/24

17 April 2024: Two presentations provided by Academic Services, aimed at Board of Studies Conveners and Administrators. 

The first presentation covers the purpose of the Board of Studies, the role of the Convener and the Administrator, key considerations, guidance and available support.

The second presentation covers key internal and external reference points. 

Presentation slides provided by the Curriculum Transformation Project Lead. These slides cover details of the proposed new undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum frameworks and the implications for Boards of Studies in their implementation.

 Academic Year 2021/22

6 May 2022: A 40-minute presentation from the Dean of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Validation in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. 

The Dean highlights the Board of Studies remit, both in policy and in practice, as well as providing some reflections around an example course proposal form and how it could be improved.

Institute for Academic Development Resources

Other Resources