Task groups

Quality Assurance Committee task groups by academic year.


Personal Tutor System Oversight Group

Responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the PT system.

Data Task Group

Responsible for examining data set and methodological options for monitoring student retention, progression, and attainment data.


Personal Tutor System Oversight Group

Responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the PT system.

Data Task Group

Responsible for examining data set and methodological options for monitoring student retention, progression, and attainment data.


Personal Tutor System Oversight Group

Responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the PT system.

Data Task Group

Responsible for examining data set and methodological options for monitoring student retention, progression, and attainment data.


Personal Tutor System Oversight Group

Responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the PT system.


Personal Tutor System Oversight Group

Responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the PT system. 


Personal Tutor System Oversight Group

Responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the PT system. 


Personal Tutor System Oversight Group


Personal Tutor System Oversight Group

Short life task group with responsibility for QA oversight of the PT system during the transition from the conclusion of the ESS project to full mainstreaming within School QA processes

Evasys Rollout Group

Short life task group with responsibility for the rollout of the Evasys course evaluation system.


Student Representation for Distance Learners

A short life task group will be set up to look after this developing area. One of the primary objectives will be to ensure that Online Distance Learners (ODL) are appropriately represented as part of the blended student environment.

Dual Degrees

There will be QAC representation on a Task Group under the remit of Curriculum and Student Progression Committee looking at Dual Degrees.

Quality Hub

Involvement in initial scoping of the Quality Hub, with input to Use of Student Data Work.


Award of Credit for Study Abroad

The task group will respond to the ELIR recommendation regarding consistency of the arrangement for recognising grades and awarding academic credit for study abroad opportunities.


Assuring the Quality of the Student Experience

  • Successful launch of first Edinburgh Student Experience Survey (of non-final year undergraduate students)
  • Development of Principles and Code of Practice for Learning from and Responding to the Student Voice