The Reflective Analysis

Our key ELIR document.

Reflective Analysis

The Reflective Analysis (RA) was the key document for the review. It covers: our strategies, structure and background information; the student learning experience; how we enhance learning and teaching (including how we develop and support staff); how we manage the quality of our courses and programmes; and how we manage our collaborative provision (where we work in partnership with other organisations to deliver courses and programmes).

ELIR Reflective Analysis (2.15 MB / PDF)

Developing the RA

The ELIR Team sought content and information from a wide range of students and staff from Colleges, Schools, the Students' Association and professional services. Chapters were released for comment as they were developed and feedback was incorporated in the drafts. The final version was approved by Senate and Court over summer 2020. We used Teaching Matters blogs during the consultation process and chapter blogs and a reflection on the process from the student perspective are available in the Spotlight on ELIR series.

Teaching Matters: Spotlight on ELIR...