Section C: thesis regulations

Regulations 28 - 34: Format, title, length and copyright. Previously published material, PhD by Research Publications and signed declaration.

Regulation 28 Format of thesis

Students are responsible for ensuring that the submitted thesis is presented in a clear, accessible and consistent format.

Application of the regulation

28.1 Guidance regarding the standards for the Format of a Thesis is available at:

Thesis Format Guidance (153.19 KB / PDF)

28.2 If the School or the examiners have concerns regarding the presentation of a thesis they should seek advice from the College. If the College considers the presentation of a thesis to make it unreasonable for the examiners to conduct the examination, it may require the student to represent and resubmit the thesis.

Regulation 29 Copyright

The student holds copyright as author of all work submitted for assessment.

Doctoral and MPhil students must grant the University the right to publish the thesis, abstract or list of works, and/or to authorise its publication for any scholarly purpose with proper acknowledgement of authorship.

Application of the regulations

29.1 The student reserves the copyright on both the thesis and the abstract.   

29.2 Students must complete the Access to a Thesis and Publication Abstract form available to download from:

 Student forms

29.3 Where students on MSc by Research programmes are required to deposit their research project or dissertation in the University library, the provisions of this regulation apply.

Regulation 30 Thesis title

The student must provide a thesis title with the Notice of Intention to Submit Form (where this form is used).

Application of the regulation

30.1 The Notification of Intention to Submit Form is available online:

Student forms

30.2 The expectation is that the student’s thesis title on the Notification of Intention to Submit Form will be the final title for the thesis.

Regulation 31 Thesis length

Research degree theses, research projects and dissertations must not exceed the length specifications set out in the regulations for the degree.

Application of the regulation

31.1 Word count specifications are provided in the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS) or programme documentation: 

Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study

Regulation 32 Previously published material

Where material to be included in a thesis, research project or dissertation has been published before the thesis, research project or dissertation is submitted, the student must acknowledge the fact of such publication.

Application of the regulation

32.1 The signed declaration must contain a clear statement on the inclusion of any previously published material. See also regulation 34.

32.2 A student cannot include in a thesis material that has been accepted for publication prior to the start of their programme of study, unless registered for a PhD by Research Publications degree. Guidance on including publications in a thesis is available online: 

32.3 See also regulation 26.

Regulation 33 PhD by Research Publications: submission

The portfolio of published work submitted for the PhD by Research Publications must be accompanied by an abstract and also by a general critical review by the student of all the submitted work.

Application of the regulation

33.1 The critical review must summarise the aims, objectives, methodology, results and conclusions covered by the work submitted in the portfolio. It must also critically assess how the work contributes significantly to the expansion of knowledge, and indicate how the publications form a coherent body of work and what contribution the student has made to this work. 

33.2 The specifications for submission of PhD by Research Publications are listed in the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS): 

Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study

Regulation 34 Signed declaration

Every student must incorporate a signed declaration in the thesis, research project or dissertation submitted for assessment, stating:

(a) that the thesis, research project or dissertation has been composed by the student, and

(b) either that the work is the student’s own, or, if the student has been a member of a research group, that the student has made a substantial contribution to the work, such contribution being clearly indicated, or

(c) that the work has not been submitted for any other degree or professional qualification except as specified, and

(d) that any included publications are the student’s own work, except where indicated throughout the thesis and summarised and clearly identified on the declarations page of the thesis.

Application of the regulation

34.1 Guidance on completing the signed declaration is available online: