Regulations cover roles and responsibilities, conduct of assessment, thesis regulations, assessment decisions, MSc by Research Degrees, interpretations and significant disruption. Downloadable PDF of the current regulations. Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees Previous years' regulations are available in the assessment archive. Assessment regulations archive Introduction Purpose, overview and additional guidance. Section A: roles and responsibilities Regulations 1 - 7: Scope, College committee responsibilities, examiner appointment and responsibilities, avoiding conflicts of interest. Section B: conduct of assessment Regulations 8 - 27: Assessment requirements, deadlines and language, annual progression reviews, thesis submission, assessment and oral examination, examiner recommendations, academic misconduct and security of marks. Section C: thesis regulations Regulations 28 - 34: Format, title, length and copyright. Previously published material, PhD by Research Publications and signed declaration. Section D: assessment decisions Regulations 35 - 45: College committee approval, recommendation, return and status of decision, convener's action and quorum. Confidentiality, retention, degree award, final version of thesis and academic appeal. Section E: MSc by research degrees Regulations 46 - 54: Examination, submission, markers, oral assessment, requirements for award, examiner recommendation, merit and distinction. Section F: interpretation and significant disruption Regulations 55 - 56: Interpretation of regulations, approval of concessions and standards in the event of significant disruption. Related links Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study Document Doctoral and MPhil Thesis Assessment Flowchart (195.37 KB / PDF) Contact Susan Hunter Academic Policy Officer Contact details Email: Olivia Hayes Academic Policy Officer Contact details Email: Kathryn Nicol Head of Academic Policy and Regulation Contact details Email: This article was published on 2024-07-29