Our goals and values

Our goals, values and stakeholders.

Our goals

  • Align the University’s academic frameworks with external requirements regarding standards and quality.
  • Manage the University’ frameworks for assuring, enhancing and regulating all levels of learning and teaching, in order that there is an appropriate degree of consistency of student learning and teaching experience across the University.
  • Facilitate and influence the development and implementation of the University’s academic strategy.
  • Support innovation in learning and teaching.
  • Facilitate and support the development of postgraduate research degree training, higher degrees and the provision of training for early career researchers.

Our values

  • Working collaboratively with partners across the University and the wider educational community.
  • Fostering professionalism and expertise in our field.
  • Encouraging a creative and facilitative approach.
  • Providing excellent service.
  • Focusing on efficiency and continuous improvement.

Our stakeholders


  • Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
  • Scottish Funding Council (SFC)
  • Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
  • Other Higher Education Institutions


  • Colleges
  • Schools
  • Governance and Strategic Planning
  • The Students' Association
  • Institute for Academic Development
  • Student Support Departments
  • Edinburgh Global