Key Dates

Summary of the key dates for Staff and Students

January to March

  • Collate timetable requirements from School
  • Create timetable requirements in the timetabling system


April to June

  • Collate timetable requirements from School
  • Create timetable requirements in the timetabling system
  • Allocate Programme Planning Student Set to activity templates
  • Conduct main room allocation process
  • Run Travel Time Constraint report* to make sure there are no ‘official’ travel constraints for core programme course requirements (Zero travel constraint on completion)


July to September

  • Conduct main room allocation process
  • Declare teaching timetable to Schools
  • Teaching Timetable for all University courses is published in Web Timetables and Course Timetable Browser
  • Student details and their enrolments are fed to the timetabling system
  • Schools can request amendments to room requirements via Teaching Change Request Form
  • Allocate students to all Whole Class activities
  • Run Room Accessibility report** for core module activities weekly
  • Run Double Booked report daily
  • Amend teaching timetable or move student to another group in order to eliminate room inaccessibility or double booking
  • Student Personalised Timetable (whole class activities) is published in Office365 and Web Timetables _ My Timetable
  • Students enrolments for optional courses are fed to timetabling system
  • Allocate students to optional activities: sub groups and whole-class
  • Run Room Accessibility report**  for optional module activities daily
  • Run Double Booked report for optional module activities daily
  • Amend teaching timetable or move student to another group in order to eliminate room inaccessibility or double bookings


October to December

  • Main December Diet timetable is published
  • Timetabling system roll forward process started
  • Allocate students to optional activities: sub groups and whole-class