Authorised interruption of study

If you need to take an authorised interruption of study, our policy for undergraduate study explains the fees you will need to pay.

Self-funded students

Interrupting study before 18 February

If you start your studies in Semester 1 and interrupt your studies for a period of more than 3 months before 18th February, you will be liable for 60% of the annual tuition fee.

Interrupting study after 18 February

If you interrupt after 18th February, you will be liable for payment of the full session fees for the programme of studies.  

Tuition fees funded by Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS)/Student Loans Company (SLC)

If you are funded by the Student Awards Agency Scotland or Student Loans Company, you will be liable for the fee charge outlined in the ‘Withdrawal from the University’ policy. 

Withdrawal from the University: our policy