Tuition fees for on-campus part-time intermittent study in 2025-2026. Annual tuition fee increase HTML Tuition fees increase every year in the majority of cases. If you intend to study over additional years, you should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree. Modes of studyWe offer part-time intermittent degrees online and on-campus.On-campusOn-campus part-time intermittent degrees are offered by a number of schools: School of Education and Sport2025-2026 feesFees for the following degrees are listed in the table below:Dance Science & Education (Dip/MSc)Inclusive Education (Cert/Dip/MSc)Leadership and Learning (Cert/Dip/MEd)Learning for Sustainability (Cert/Dip/MSc)Performance Psychology (Dip/MSc)Physical Activity for Health (Cert/Dip/MSc)Sport Policy, Management and International Development (MSc)Strength and Conditioning (Dip/MSc)TESOL (Cert/Dip/MSc)These fees apply if you started study after 1 August 2017.Fee statusHomeOverseas/EU*10 credit course£725£1,69520 credit course£1,445£3,39040 credit course£2,890£6,780Dissertation course - 50 credits£3,615£8,475Dissertation course - 60 credits£4,335£10,170*These fees apply for EU students starting on programme after 1 August 2021. Outdoor education and outdoor environment degreesFees for the following degrees are listed in the table below:Outdoor Education (Cert/Dip/MSc) Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education (Cert/Dip/MSc) These fees apply if you started study after 1 August 2017.Fee statusHomeOverseas/EU*10 credit course£845£1,76020 credit course£1,690£3,51550 credit course£4,225£8,78060 credit course£5,070£10,535*These fees apply for EU students starting on programme after 1 August 2021. School of Health in Social Science2025-2026 feesFees for the following degrees are listed in the table below:Psychological TherapiesPsychology of Mental Health (Conversion)Fee statusHomeOverseas/EU*10 credit course Started study after 1, August 2017£725£1,695Started study before 1, August 2017£635£1,28020 credit course Started study after 1, August 2017£1,445£3,390Started study before 1, August 2017£1,270£2,56040 credit course Started study after 1, August 2017£2,890£6,780Started study before 1, August 2017£2,525£5,11560 credit course Started study after 1, August 2017£4,335£10,170Started study before 1, August 2017£3,800£7,670*These fees apply for EU students starting on programme after 1 August 2021. School of Social and Political Science2025-2026 feesFees for the following degrees are listed in the table below:Social ResearchFee statusHomeOverseas/EU20 credit course£1,900n/aOnlineOur online part-time intermittent degrees are listed separately.Online learning fees 2025- 2026How you will be chargedIf you are studying for a degree on a part-time intermittent basis, you will be invoiced separately for each course. We refer to this as Invoiced at Course Level (ICL).Taking courses from other programmesIf you take a course from another programme while studying, you will be charged the fee attached to that course. This may mean you are charged more than the course fees for your programme.Contact usIf you have a question about part-time intermittent fees or need to access fees from before 2017, please get in touch with us.Contact the Fees and Student Support team This article was published on 2024-09-12
HTML Tuition fees increase every year in the majority of cases. If you intend to study over additional years, you should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree.