Part-time intermittent fees 2020-2021

Tuition fees for on-campus part-time intermittent study in 2020-2021.

Annual tuition fee increase


Tuition fees increase every year in the majority of cases.

If you intend to study over additional years, you should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree.

Modes of study

We offer part-time intermittent degrees online and on-campus.


On-campus part-time intermittent degrees are offered by a number of schools:



Our online part-time intermittent degrees are listed separately:

Online learning tuition fees

How you will be charged

If you are studying for a degree on a part-time intermittent basis, you will be invoiced separately for each course. We refer to this as Invoiced at Course Level (ICL).

Contact us

If you have a question about part-time intermittent fees or need to access fees from before 2017, please get in touch with us.

Contact the Fees and Student Support team