Tuition fee rates

Our policy explains postgraduate research yearly fee increases, what annual programme fees cover, when to pay your tuition fees and your responsibilities.

Annual tuition fee increase


Tuition fees increase every year in the majority of cases.

If you intend to study over additional years, you should take this annual tuition fee increase into consideration when you estimate your fees for a degree.


Overseas students who begin their programme of study in academic year 2022-23 onwards will pay a fixed rate of tuition fee depending on the year they started their programme.

Fees for PhD and MPhil degrees

The Research Councils UK (RCUK) set the tuition fees for Home/EU students studying PhD or MPhil degrees. These tuition fees are usually confirmed later than the tuition fees for Overseas/International students.

What do annual programme fees cover? 

Annual programme and course fees cover:

  • matriculation
  • tuition
  • one diet of examination

This includes membership of University unions, sports facilities, and other student facilities and amenities.

If you're a matriculated student who is not required to pay an annual programme or course fee, you should contact the Students’ Association about associate membership. 

Contact the Students' Association

When are tuition fees charged? 

Tuition fee rates apply for a full academic session beginning 1 August to 31 July in the following year and are:

  • charged at the start of each year of study
  • due at the start of Semester 1
  • subject to annual revision

Paying your fees

Whose responsibility is it to pay? 

The payment of fees is your responsibility as a student. If you have a sponsor who fails to pay, you will be held personally liable for payment.

Please contact us for further information. 

Contact us