Study away fees 2021-2022

Tuition fees for studying away from the University as part of your degree in 2021-2022.

Covid-19 pandemic: Study and work placements

Find out how study and work placements are being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Overseas fieldtrips and placements

You will be charged a tuition fee by the University for studying abroad if you are:

  • going abroad as part of your degree
  • receiving credit that will be transferred to your University of Edinburgh degree

Your tuition fee for studying abroad will depend on:

  • how long you are away 
  • the type of exchange you are undertaking
  • your tuition fee status

Type of exchange

Studying away as a compulsory part of your degree

Your school in the University will fully fund your tuition fees at your host institution, if your study away is:

  • a mandatory/compulsory element of your degree studies
  • separate tuition fees are charged by the host institution

Please contact your School office for further information.

Contact your School

Optional study away that is not part of a University exchange scheme

Students are liable for payment of all fees due at the host institution, if your study away is:

  • optional 
  • not part of a University exchange scheme 
  • separate tuition fees are charged by the host institution

If you are due to be on an optional year abroad and this is then cancelled, you will be charged the tull tuition fee due for that academic year. 

Tuition fees for Scotland/EU undergraduate students studying away from the University in 2021-2022 during their third year of academic study.

Tuition fees for RUK and Channel Island undergraduate students studying away from the University in 2021-2022 during their third year of academic study.

Tuition fees for international undergraduate students studying away from the University in 2021-2022 during their third year of academic study.

Contact us

If you have a question relating to fee charges, or applying to your funding body for support during your study abroad, please get in touch.

Contact the Fees and Student Support team