Tracking your application

The Assessment Support tool helps students track their coursework extension or special circumstances applications. Students can get a decision in 2 to 5 working days and receive email notifications about their application progress.

The Assessment Support tool

The progress of your extension or special circumstances application can be tracked in the Assessment Support tool.

You can save and return to your draft application to complete missed steps, add more evidence or find access to your application decision.


Finding your completed or saved applications

Visit the Assessment Support Tool  

Select 'My applications' and the application you want to view. 

The application home page will display the current progress of your application and show any outstanding sections you need to complete. 

To complete an application for a coursework extension, you must complete steps 1 & 2 of the application form.

To complete an application for special circumstances you must complete steps 1 - 4 of the application form. 




Finding your application decisions  

Select 'My applications' and the application you want to view. 

Select 'Assessments'. 

From this screen, you can view the progress of each assessment you have requested support for. 

If you have been approved for a coursework extension, you can view the new due date of your assessment. 

Next to each assessment, you can also view the progress of any special circumstance applications. 








Viewing your special circumstances outcomes in MyEd  

Select 'Accounts' from the MyEd home page. 

Select 'My student record'. This will launch the self-service portal. 

Select 'Assessments'. 




You will find a list of the courses you are enrolled in and their assessments.  

The outcome decision for any assessment you have applied for will show next to the assessment. 







Timeframes for decisions on my application 

Coursework extensions

You can view the decisions on coursework extensions within 2 working days of your application. 

Special circumstances

Qualification enquiry - If you want to find out if your situation qualifies you for special circumstances before providing evidence, you can submit section 1 of the application and get a decision in 2 working days. 

Application approval - You will find out if the ESC team has approved your completed application (including all evidence) within 5 working days of submission.

Outcome decision - You can view the outcome decision once the Board of Examiners meets at the end of each term



The ESC Team will send you email notifications to inform you of your application progress. The emails will contain the corresponding application number. 

Confirmation notification 

When you submit a completed application, you will receive a confirmation notification. This notification will also let you know when you can expect a decision. 

Action reminder notifications 

If you have an incomplete application, you will receive a notification that links you to sections you still have to complete. This notification will also contain a case closed date. This lets you know when the application will be closed if you choose not to complete it. 

Decision notifications 

Decisions are made per assessment; you will receive a decision notification for each one. 

Coursework extensions  

You will receive a notification after 2 working days to inform you whether your application has been accepted. This notification will not contain your new due date. 

Visit the Assessment Support Tool to find out your new due date. (Instructions are at the top of this page.) 

Special circumstances 

You will receive an eligibility notification if you qualify for special circumstances within 5 working days

You will not receive a notification about the outcome of your special circumstance applications.  

Visit the Assessment Support Tool or your Student Record to find your outcome decision. (Instructions are at the top of this page.) 


Frequently asked questions


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