Exceptional Circumstances Service

The Exceptional Circumstances (EC) Service helps students who need additional support with assessments.

Support is available to students who have an existing schedule of adjustments, or those facing unforeseen, challenging circumstances.

Help can range from additional time to complete coursework to special consideration regarding late penalties or marks.

Updates to Coursework Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances from 12 September 2024

The University’s new Exceptional Circumstances Policy has come into effect for the 2024/25 academic year. This policy replaces the existing Coursework Extensions and Special Circumstances policies.

From 12 September, you will see changes to the way you can request coursework extensions and Exceptional Circumstances (previously special circumstances) on assessments. 

Find out more about the system changes.

The Exceptional Circumstances (EC) Service helps students who need additional support with assessments.

Student guidance on technical issues during an online exam

Please read the attached guidance on what to do if you experience a technical issue during your online exam. The guidance outlines the steps you need to take, and what evidence you will need to submit if you decide to apply for exceptional circumstances.

Student online exam guidance

Delay of Start of In Person Studies

Any student approved to delay the start of their in-person studies does so at their own academic risk. In the assessment of your request, your School will have determined that it is possible for you to stay on track with your studies if you maintain appropriate engagement. Your late arrival to Edinburgh will not be accepted as grounds for Exceptional Circumstances unless there are additional extenuating circumstances. 

Planned system downtime

Please note that the Assessment Support Tool will be unavailable due to maintenance as follows: 

Friday 21st March at 14:00 until Monday 24th March at 09:00

It will not be possible to create or view any extension or exceptional circumstances applications during this time. 

What support do you need with your assessment?

Extensions                                     Exceptional Circumstances                    Extra time learning adjustments 
If something unexpected has happened that is preventing you from meeting an assessment deadline, you can apply for an extension. If your studies have been affected by an unforeseen situation, you may be eligible for  special circumstances.  Students registered with the Disability Learning Support Service with a Schedule of Adjustments can apply the extra time to their assessments.  

Extensions are available for:

+ most coursework  

Extensions are not available for:

- exams 

- coursework where the deadline has passed 



Exceptional circumstances are available for:

+ coursework where an extension is not available 

+ coursework where you can’t meet the extension deadline 

+ coursework where the deadline has passed 

+ exams you cannot attend 

+ exams that you have missed 

+ assessments where you feel you have underperformed 


Exceptional circumstances

Extra time learning adjustments are available for:

 + most coursework    

+ a proofreader

+ an interpreter 


Extra time learning adjustments