Certified Copies of Degree Certificates

Please only request paper copies where absolutely necessary - these requests will take longer to turn around than requests for documents in electronic format.

We recommend wherever possible that you forward, download or print an Academic Statement using the electronic documents service at MyEd --> Accounts --> My Student Record --> Documents. 


Student Administration can certify a copy of degree certificates for University of Edinburgh graduates.

You must have the original document in your possession to order certified copies of your degree certificate. If you no longer have your original degree certificate, please learn about ordering a replacement degree.

Placing an order for a certified copy of your degree

  • Send an email to infopoint@ed.ac.uk with subject heading Certified Degree Certificate.
  • Attach a clear, legible image or scan of your original degree certificate -- .pdf, .jpeg , .png are accepted -- to which we will apply the necessary stamps/signatures.
  • Include a postal address to which we will send the certified document.
  • Tell us if you want us to send a PDF version of your certified document by return email.