Applying for support

Applications for extensions and special circumstances are made using the Assessment Support tool. Explore our step-by-step guides to completing your application.

How to apply for support on your assessments

How to apply for support on your assessments – Transcript

You can apply for support on your assessments via the Assessment Support tool. 

To access the Assessment Support tool, log into MyEd, click ‘Studies’ in the menu ribbon, and select ‘Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances’.  Then click ‘Assessment Support’ to view the Assessment Support tool. 

In the Assessment Support tool, you will have three options: Apply for Coursework Extensions, Apply for Exceptional Circumstances and Apply for Extra Time.

  • Apply for Coursework Extensions – use this option when you need a short extension of 4 days for certain coursework submissions and have not yet used all of your 3 extensions allowed per year.

You can apply from 10 days before the due date up until the due date. No explanation or evidence is required for approval of extensions.

  • Apply for Exceptional Circumstances – use this option when you are facing unexpected or serious situations that impact your ability to complete an assessment, such as illness, the death of a loved one, or other unforeseen personal circumstances.

You need to provide an explanation and documentary evidence of your situation. Applications can be made up to 10 days before or after the assessment deadline, or until your School’s exceptional circumstances deadline.

  • Apply for Extra Time – use this when you have a pre-existing schedule of adjustments set by the University’s Disability and Learning Support Service and need extra time for submission or proofreading on coursework submissions.

To learn more about the application process, watch our videos on how to apply for extensions and how to apply for exceptional circumstances.

Understand your options 

Before completing your application, make sure you know if you need a coursework extension or if you qualify for exceptional circumstances. 

If you need help understanding which option best suits your circumstances, talk to your Student Support Team.

What support do you need with your assessment?

Coursework Extensions

Exceptional Circumstances

Extra time learning adjustments

Apply for this if...

Circumstances beyond your control will make it difficult for you to meet a deadline for a coursework assessment and an extension to the deadline of 4 calendar days would allow you to submit your work.

When applying you will...

  • receive instant approval when your situation is valid
  • not need to provide supporting evidence
  • be able to apply up to 3 times a year
  • be able to cover multiple coursework submissions within an extension, if they have deadlines within the same 4-day period

Apply for this if...

Circumstances beyond your control have had a significant adverse effect on your completion of or performance on coursework submissions or exams, and/or

  • you need a longer extension (over 4 days) to a deadline
  • you have used up for allowance for coursework extensions

When applying you will...

  • need to provide supporting evidence
  • receive a decision about your application towards the end of the semester once the marks are published

Apply for this if...

You are registered with the Disability and Learning Support Service with a Schedule of Adjustments.

  • you have support set up for learning adjustments by the University Disability and Learning Support Service (DLSS)
  • need more time for submitting most coursework
  • need proof reading
  • need an interpreter

When applying you will...

  • receive instant confirmation


Find out how to apply for Coursework ExtensionsFind out how to apply for Exceptional CircumstancesFind out how to apply for Extra Time