Extra Time Learning Adjustments

Students who are registered with the Disability and Learning Support Service and have a Schedule of Adjustments can access extra time for their assessments using the Extra Time Adjustment (ETA) Tool.

What can I get an extra time adjustment for?

You can access extra time adjustments to: 

  • complete a coursework assessment   
  • have your coursework proofread / interpreted 

Accessing your extra time adjustment

The Extra Time Adjustment Tool (ETA)

Extra time is not applied to your assessments automatically when you have an extra time learning adjustment in place. You must request extra time for each assessment that you require it for.

Requests are made using the ETA tool, accessible via the Disability Support page in MyEd or via the Assessment Support Tool. 

Read our step-by-step guide on making a request

Requesting multiple adjustments for the same assessment

Each adjustment must be requested separately, even if they are for the same assessment. The ETA tool will only process one adjustment at a time.

Deadlines for accessing extra time adjustments

You must request your learning adjustment before the coursework deadline.

If you have been granted an extension, your application must be made before the new deadline you have been granted. 

Applications made after your coursework deadline will not be accepted, however, if you have experienced an adverse situation beyond your control, you may be able to make an exceptional circumstances application. 

How much extra time is available

If your assessment permits extra time adjustments, you may be given between 1 and 7 extra days of extra time for submission.

The amount of time available is decided by the School. 


Your extra time adjustment will be applied to your assessment immediately once you submit your request through the ETA Tool. 

Group assessments

If you have a learning adjustment for extra time on an assessment that is submitted as groupwork, please tell the other members of your group the new deadline. The other members of your group do not need to apply for an extension, and this will not affect their extensions allowance. If you need further support, please contact your Student Adviser.

Additional support for assessments

Extra time for exams

You may be able to get extra time for your exams. The ETA tool does not handle this type of learning adjustment application. 

If you need extra time for exams, contact your School directly