Students who experience unexpected short-term circumstances that affect their ability to meet a coursework deadline can apply for a coursework extension. Coursework extensions are for four calendar days (some courses offered predominantly to part-time or placement students will offer extensions of seven calendar days. Your course handbook or Learn site will indicate if this is the case). You can apply for three coursework extensions per academic year. Your extensions allowance will reset on 15th September each year.Each extension can apply to multiple assessments, where the deadlines for these assessments fall in the same four-day calendar period. Extensions are available for most coursework Extensions are available for most coursework assessments.Some classroom-based assessments, such as quizzes or lab tests, might not be eligible.Check with your Student Support Team if you are unsure if your assessment qualifies. Types of assessments extensions are not available for Extensions are not available for examinations.Extensions are not available for coursework where the deadline has already passed. Groupwork extensionsIf you have received an extension on an assessment that is submitted as groupwork, please tell the other members of your group the new deadline. The other members of your group do not need to apply for an extension, and this will not affect their extensions allowance. If you need further support, please contact your Student Adviser. Situations that qualify for an extensionAn exceptional circumstance is something unexpected and beyond your control. Below are some examples of situations that qualify for coursework extensions. What situations qualify for a coursework extension? Situations that are eligible for extensions include:Bereavement through the death of a close relative, partner or close personal friend. Serious short-term physical illness or injury; this includes sudden worsening or a flare-up of a chronic physical health issue. Serious short-term mental illness; this includes sudden worsening or a flare-up of a chronic mental health issue. Serious illness of a close relative (such as parent, child or spouse/partner) or a person who is dependent upon the student for their care. Victim of a crime whose impact upon a student is serious; this includes the experience of sexual or gender-based violence and harassment. Adjustments for a disability have not been made in time for a course assessment, where the student can demonstrate that the delay is not their responsibility . Exceptional personal circumstances, e.g. events that result in a serious impact on a student’s ability to engage with academic work during the assessment period in question; this includes unexpected changes to caring responsibilities, and breakdown of a long-term relationship.For students in paid employment, an exceptional and significant change in their employment commitments, where this is beyond their control. Other exceptional circumstances that have affected, or will affect the student's ability to meet a deadline or complete an assessment. Such circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may include military service, military conflict, natural disaster or extreme weather conditions. Students taking part in elite level sporting events may be permitted to request extensions to coursework deadlines under the Performance Sport policy. What situations do not qualify for a coursework extension? Situations that are not eligible for extensions include:A long-term or chronic health condition (including mental ill-health) which has not worsened recently or for which the University has already made a reasonable adjustment. A minor short-term illness or injury (e.g. a common cold), which would not reasonably have had a significant adverse impact on the student’s performance in an assessment or ability to complete the assessment on time. Holidays, including getting married, attendance at weddings, festivals and similar events. Loss of work not backed up, computer or printing problemsPoor working practices such as: Accidental submission of an incorrect document, wrong file type or a corrupted file; Claim of technical issues on behalf of the University with no proof of an error message/ system failure on a University system (e.g. Learn); Poor time management; Misunderstanding of the examination timetable or instructions on assessment deadlines. Deadlines for work or exams being set close together. Application process When to apply You can apply for an extension no earlier than 10 days before the original deadline. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. However, you may be able to make an exceptional circumstances application. How to applySee our "Applying for a Coursework Extension" page for instructions on how to apply for an extension.Get guidance on making your application ConfirmationYour extension will be applied to your assessment immediately once you submit your application. You will receive an email notification.Next Steps If you have any questions about submitting your coursework once you have received an extension, please contact your School.Support contacts Apply for a Coursework Extension Frequently asked questions I have missed the extension deadline; can I still get support? If you are experiencing an adverse situation that is unexpected and out of your control, then you may be eligible for exceptional circumstances. As well as telling us what happened, you will need to provide an impact statement (how your assessments were affected) and evidence. For more information on how to apply, please review the guides below. Making an application Do I need to provide evidence? No evidence is required for extension requests. All you need to provide is the reason for your request (chosen from a drop-down list of eligible reasons). Will my School be aware that I have an extension in place? Yes. Your school can view your accepted application in the Assessment Support tool and your new deadline date. Can I apply for an extension if I have a schedule of adjustments? Yes, as long as you are struggling to submit coursework on time because of unforeseen circumstances out of your control.Even if you already have an extra time learning adjustment applied to an assessment, you may be awarded a further extension if your circumstances qualify.This is done via the Assessment Support tool.If you want to request one of your learning adjustments, extra time for submission, or extra time for proofreading/interpreting, this is done via the Extra Time Learning tool.The Assessment Support tool and the Extra Time Learning tool are connected. If you apply for both, you will see the new combined due date displayed in the confirmation screen.The amount of time available will be decided by your course organiser.Extra time learning adjustmentsRequesting an extra time learning adjustment I have used all three of my extensions this academic year; can I get a further extension? Once you have used up your three coursework extensions, you will not be able to apply for another extension until the next academic year. However, you may be eligible to apply for exceptional circumstances. You will need to tell us how your circumstances have affected your assessment(s), as well as provide supporting evidence.Your extensions allowance will reset on 15th September each year. I can't see the assessment I need an extension for - what should I do? You can apply for an extension if the assessment permits extensions, and if the assessment deadline is within the next 10 days and has not already passed.If this applies and you can't see the assessment you need an extension for, please contact the Course Administrator. I need more than 4 days - can I use two extensions on the same assessment? No, it is not possible to apply for multiple extensions for the same assessment.If you have received an extension but your circumstances mean that you are unable to submit your assessment within your extended deadline, you may wish to consider applying for exceptional circumstances. This article was published on 2024-09-12