Applying for a Coursework Extension

Applications for coursework extensions are made using the Assessment Support tool. Watch our how-to video or follow the written instructions below to find out how to apply.

This video shows you how to apply for coursework extensions using the Assessment Support Tool.

How to apply for Extensions – Transcript

In MyEd, click ‘Studies’ in the menu ribbon, and select ‘Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances’.

Click ‘Assessment Support’ to open the Assessment Support tool.

Extensions of 4 days are available to you on certain coursework submissions.

You can apply for extensions on coursework submissions from 10 days of the due date up until the due date.

To apply for extensions, you do not need to provide an explanation or any evidence. When you submit an extensions application, you will get an instant approval. However, you have 3 extensions a year. With each extension you can extend the deadline for coursework submissions by 4 days.

It is therefore important that you choose to use extensions only when you need them. 

Not all coursework submissions will allow extensions, and you cannot take extensions on exams. If you need support in these cases, or need to request other outcomes because of your situation, you can do so by applying for Exceptional Circumstances.

If the University’s Disability and Learning Support Service has created a schedule of adjustments for you, then you can apply for extra time for learning adjustments by clicking on the ‘Apply for Extra Time’ button.

To apply for extensions, click the ‘Apply for Coursework Extensions’ button.

The screen will display the number of extensions you have left for the year.

If you would like to talk to someone for support, click ‘How do I contact my Student Adviser’ to see your Student Adviser’s name and email. If you are a post-graduate student, you will see your supervisor’s name and email address.

To start the application for extensions, click ‘Begin application’.

Choose the option that best describes your situation.

If you are unsure which option applies to you, you can contact your Student Adviser from this screen.

When ready, click ‘Next’.

You will then see a list of coursework submissions that allow extensions and are due within the next 10 days.

The assessments are listed in the order of due date with the assessments that are due sooner, listed at the top.

Select the assessments you would like to receive extensions for. This will automatically update the extensions you have remaining for the year.

Any other assessments due within 4 days of the ones you have selected will be shown with dotted lines around them. You can also select these assessments without using up any of your remaining extensions for the year.

Next to each assessment, you can see the number of extensions you will be using in this application and how many you will have remaining for the rest of the year.

Click ‘Preview extensions’ to review the list of assessments that you have selected for extensions.

You will also see the number of extensions being used and the number remaining until 15th September.

Note that once you submit the application you cannot cancel or change your extensions.

If you need to talk with your Student Adviser about other support options, you can contact your Student Adviser from this screen.

To confirm and submit your extensions application, you must read and accept the two check boxes.

When ready, click ‘Submit application’.

Once you submit your application, you will receive instant approval of the requested extensions.

You will see a list of all the assessments for which you now have extensions, their original due dates and the new extended due dates. You will also see any hand-in instructions your School wants you to know.

If you have already received extra time for learning adjustments on these assessments, then the new due date will include the extra time for learning adjustments and coursework extensions you have just taken.

You can click on ‘All previous Applications’ to view your applications, or ‘Logout’ to log out of the system.

How to apply for a coursework extension - written instructions

Click on the ‘Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances’ link within MyEd. Then click on ‘Assessment Support’. This will take you into the Assessment Support Tool.   

Assessment Support Tool

To apply for extensions, click the ‘Apply for Coursework Extensions’ button.

Apply for Coursework Extensions

On this screen, you can see the number of extensions you have left for the year. If you would like to talk to someone about getting assessment support, click the link to contact your Student Adviser and email your Student Adviser using your usual email client. If you are a post-graduate student, you will see your Supervisor’s name and email address listed here.

You can now start applying for extensions by clicking the button ‘Begin application’.

Select situation

Choose the option that best describes your situation. 

If you are unsure which option applies to you, you can contact your Student Adviser from this screen.

Then, click ‘Next’

Select assessment
Select assessments

On the next screen you will see a list of coursework submissions that allow extensions and are due within the next 10 days. 

These assessments are listed in the order of due date, with the assessments that are due sooner listed on the top. 

Select the assessments you would like to receive extensions for. This will automatically update the extensions you have remaining for the year. Any other assessments due within 4 days of the ones you have selected will be shown with dotted lines around them. You can also select these assessments without using up additional extensions. 

You can see the number of extensions you will be taking for this application and how many you will have remaining for the rest of the year, next to each assessment. 

Click on the ‘Preview extensions’ button to review the list of assessments you have selected to take extensions for. You will also see the number of extensions that will be taken, and those remaining until the next September 15th

Confirm extensions

Note that once you submit this application you cannot cancel or change your extensions. If you need to consult with your Student Adviser about other support options, you can get their contact details by clicking on the link to contact your Student Adviser. 

To confirm and submit your extensions application you must then read and accept the two check boxes, and click the ‘Submit application’ button. 

Confirmation of extension

Once you submit your application, you will receive instant approval of the requested extensions. On this screen you will see a list of all the assessments for which you now have extensions, their original due dates and the new extended due dates. You will also see any hand-in instructions your school wants you to know. 

If you have already received extra time for learning adjustments on these assessments, then the new due date will include the extra time for learning adjustments and coursework extensions you have just taken. 

You can now view your applications or log out of the system by clicking the ‘Logout’ link.