Applying for support

Applications for extensions and special circumstances are made using the Assessment Support tool. Extension applications have 2 steps. Special circumstance applications require an additional impact statement and evidence, 4 steps in total. Explore our step-by-step guide to completing your application.

Understand your options 

Before completing your application, make sure you know if you need a coursework extension or if you qualify for special circumstances. 

If you need help understanding which option best suits your circumstances, talk to you Student Support Team.

Learn about coursework extensions

Learn about special circumstances 

Student Support Team contact details


Begin your application


Video instructions

Applying for a coursework extension


Applying for special circumstances


Save your application and return to it later

It may not always be possible to complete the application in one go. To make it easy for you to return to the application, we have provided a link to save the information you have completed. This can be found next to the button at the bottom of each page in the application. The link says save and exit. 


Step 1

Tell us about your circumstances 

Select the type of situation from the dropdown. 

If your situation falls into more than one category, choose the most relevant one.  

Describe your situation from the beginning to the time of application.  

Describe the events in chronological order or give them separate headings.  

Keep your statement clear and concise (500 words max). 

Click the 'next' button


assessment support step 1 screen 3


Provide a start date or an approximate start date. 

We want to know if your situation has ended or is ongoing. If it is still ongoing choose ‘It is still ongoing.’ 

If the situation has ended, choose, ‘It is no longer impacting my studies.’ 

Provide an end date or an approximate end date. 


Assessment support step 1 screen 2


Click 'next' to review your information and submit. 


Assessment support step 1 screen 3


Checking your eligibility (optional)

If you would like to check if you are eligible for special circumstances before completing the rest of the application, you can pause your application here. The ESC (Extensions and Special Circumstances) team will contact you within 2 working days to tell you if your situation qualifies. If you do, you can proceed with the rest of the application. 

Proceeding with your application now 

Extensions cannot be granted unless you select your assessments.

Complete section two right away if you are applying for a coursework extension. 



Step 2 

Select your assessments 

Click start to begin.  

Read the introductory guidance and click Start to continue.

Click the 'Select assessments' button corresponding to the course you need support with. 


Assessment support step 2 screen 2


Select the ‘Assessment’ option if this is the first time you are submitting the assessment or sitting the examination. 

Choose the ‘Reassessment’ option if you require support for a resit or a resubmission of a piece of coursework. 


Assessment support step 2 screen 3


Select the coursework or examination that your situation has impacted. 


Assessment support step 2 screen 4


Click 'Continue'. 

Review the options available for a coursework extension or special circumstances application. 

Choose coursework extension or special circumstances. 

Click Save & continue.


Assessment support step 2 screen 5


Review the choices you have made.  

If you want to add additional assessments, click 'Select assessments' and repeat the process until all the assessments you need support with are selected. 

Click on the bin icon if you would like to delete any assessments.

Click the confirmation checkbox when you have all your assessments selected. 

Click the 'Submit assessments' button to complete step 2. 


esc step 2


Next steps: coursework extension

The application process is complete if you have applied for a coursework extension.

You will hear from the ESC team in 2 working days. 

Learn how to track your application 

Next steps: special circumstances

If you have applied for a special circumstance. Proceed to step 3. 



Step 3

Provide your impact statement (special circumstances only)

Click 'Provide statement' to begin.   

Read the introductory guidance and click 'Start' to continue.  

List the assessments that have been affected and provide clear and specific information on how your situation has impacted any of the following:   

  • performance on upcoming assessments   

  • performance on assessments that you have already completed  

  • attendance at an examination  

  • your ability to submit coursework   

  • your ability to submit coursework on time.  


Click 'Next' 


Assessment support impact statement


Review the outcome preferences available.  

Before you select any of the outcome options, carefully read the guidance on the implications of that outcome before selecting your preference.  

Select the option ‘No preference’ if you do not want to choose a preference.  

If you choose a preferred outcome, the Board of Examiners will consider your choice, but ultimately, they will make a decision that they feel is in your best interest.  

Click the confirmation checkbox to acknowledge that you understand that your outcome preferences are only a guide to the board. It may not be awarded.  

Click 'Next '. 


Assessment support outcome statement


Select 'Yes'  to explain why you picked a preference. Provide details in the text box. 

Select 'No' If you do not have additional information to submit from the options listed.  

Click 'Next '. 

Click the confirmation checkbox when you have reviewed the information you have submitted in this section.  

Click the 'Submit' to complete step 3. 


Step 4

Provide your supporting evidence (special circumstances only)

Click 'Provide evidence' to begin.  

Read the introductory guidance and click 'Start' to continue

Click the upload button to upload supporting documentation. 

Review the guidelines on document size and the type of files allowed. 


Assessment support upload evidence


Select the evidence type from the dropdown. 

Choose a file to upload. 

Click 'Upload.' 


Assessment support evidence type


Continue to add further documents by clicking the upload button again and repeating the process until all documents have been uploaded. 

Click ‘I do not have evidence to upload’ if you are applying due to a bereavement. No evidence is required. 

Click 'Next' when you are happy that you have submitted all your evidence or when you have selected ‘I do not have evidence to upload.’ 


Assessment support evidence review


Click the confirmation checkbox if you have submitted all the evidence you have. 

Click 'Submit' to complete your application. 

Providing further evidence

You may not have all the evidence you need when making the application. If you would like to provide additional evidence after submitting your application, you can email the ESC team, quoting your application number.



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