
Students who experience illness, accidents, or other uncontrollable circumstances that affect their ability to meet a coursework deadline can apply for an extension. Extensions of 3 to 4 days are granted for the majority of assessments – depending on the course or School/Deanery – but can be granted for up to 7 days for some larger assessments, or for students on online/part-time PGT programmes in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

Assessments you can get support with 

If something unexpected has happened that is preventing you from meeting an assessment deadline, you may be able to apply for an extension. Extensions can give you up to 7 days extra time to complete your assessment. 


Extensions are available for most coursework

Extensions are available for most coursework assessments.

Some classroom-based assessments, such as quizzes or lab tests, might not be eligible.

Check with your Student Support Team if you are unsure if your assessment qualifies. 

Types of assessments extensions are not available for 

Extensions are not available for examinations.

Extensions are not available for coursework where the deadline has already passed. 

Groupwork extensions 

If a group assessment allows extensions and a group member has circumstances that qualify, that person should apply first. Once an extension is approved, the rest of the group can also apply. The application should contain the following information: 

  • the affected person’s name and application number

  • a brief explanation of the circumstances. 

Each team member must apply separately before the original assessment deadline. 

Extra Time Learning Adjustments cannot be extended to group members.

Speak to someone 

Before applying for support, discuss your situation with your Student Support Team. They will advise you on your application and help you access any additional support you might need. 


Apply for an extension


 Situations that qualify for an extension

A special circumstance is something unexpected and beyond your control. Below are some examples of situations that qualify as special circumstances. 

Situations affecting you or your family's wellbeing

Examples include, but are not limited to: 

  • recent short-term physical illness or injury 

  • recent short-term mental ill-health 

  • long-term or chronic physical/mental health condition that has recently worsened temporarily or permanently 

  • death or serious illness of someone with whom you have a close relationship 

  • breakdown of a relationship 

  • exceptional (i.e., non-routine) caring responsibilities

Situations where you experience a crime

Examples include, but are not limited to:  

  • experience of sexual harassment or assault 

  • experience of other types of harassment 

  • victim of a crime which is likely to have a significant emotional impact 

Situations that affect your home life or your finances

Examples include, but are not limited to:  

  • military conflict, natural disaster, or extreme weather conditions 

  • severe financial difficulties  

  • prolonged exposure to a difficult/challenging home environment  

  • exceptional and significant change in employment commitments, where this is beyond your control 

  • a job or internship interview at short notice that requires significant time, e.g. due to travel

Situations that affect your access to information or technology

Examples include, but are not limited to:  

  • significant and prolonged problems with access to teaching and learning materials, e.g., due to connectivity, power, or equipment issues  

  • catastrophic technical failure preventing the submission of an online assessment by the relevant deadline  

  • lack of access to library resources where there are no viable alternatives.  


Application process 

When to apply 

You should apply for an extension no earlier than 4 weeks before the original deadline. Applications received earlier are unlikely to be accepted, and you will be advised to apply again closer to the deadline. 

Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. However, you may be able to make a special circumstances application. 

Unsure what you qualify for? Tell us what happened 

If you are unsure whether your situation qualifies for an extension or special circumstances, you can notify us by completing the first steps of the application process, telling us what happened and when it occurred. 

 The available decisions are:  

  • Extensions only (CE); 

  • Special circumstances only (SC);  

  • Both extensions and special circumstances (Both); 

  • Not eligible for support (None). 

We will respond within 2 working days with a decision.

Completing the application 

Applications for extensions and special circumstances are made using the same form. When applying for an extension, only complete the first 2 steps.  

 The required steps are:  

  1. Tell us what happened 

  1. Select your assessments  

To be granted an extension, you must select your assessments and submit your application.

If you completed step 1 and have received a decision that you qualify, you must return to the application and complete it for the extension to be granted.  

Getting a decision 

The ESC Team will review your evidence and provide a response within 2 working days, informing you if your request has been accepted.  

If your extension request is approved - You will be able to view your extension and the new deadline by logging into the application dashboard and viewing the relevant application. 

If your extension request is not approved - You must submit your assessment by the original deadline. Any assessment submitted following this date will incur a late penalty. 

Next Steps  

Get guidance on making your application 

Support contacts 


Apply for an extension


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