Extensions and Special Circumstances Service

The extensions and special circumstances (ESC) service helps students who need additional support with assessments.

Support is available to students who have an existing schedule of adjustments, or those facing unforeseen, challenging circumstances.

Help can range from additional time to complete coursework to special consideration regarding late penalties or marks.

Updates to Coursework Extensions and Exceptional Circumstances from September 2024

The University’s new Exceptional Circumstances Policy will come into effect for the 2024/25 academic year. This policy will replace the existing Coursework Extensions and Special Circumstances policies.

From 13 September, you will see changes to the way you can request coursework extensions and Exceptional Circumstances (previously special circumstances) on assessments. 

Find out more about the changes

Important changes and system downtime: 11-12 September 2024

Please note that the Assessment Support Tool will be unavailable due to maintenance between 12 noon on 11 September and 2pm on 12 September - the process for applying for extensions and exceptional circumstances will be updated during this time.

Please complete any open applications before 12 noon on 11 September, 2024. Any applications not completed by this time will be closed and you will need to start again when the system reopens.

Find out more about these changes.


What support do you need with your assessment?

Extensions                                     Special Circumstances                    Extra time learning adjustments 
If something unexpected has happened that is preventing you from meeting an assessment deadline, you can apply for an extension. If your studies have been affected by an unforeseen situation, you may be eligible for  special circumstances.  Students registered with the Disability Learning Support Service with a Schedule of Adjustments can apply the extra time to their assessments.  

Extensions are available for:

+ most coursework  

Extensions are not available for:

- exams 

- coursework where the deadline has passed 



Special circumstances are available for:

+ coursework where an extension is not available 

+ coursework where you can’t meet the extension deadline 

+ coursework where the deadline has passed 

+ exams you cannot attend 

+ exams that you have missed 

+ assessments where you feel you have underperformed 


Special circumstances

Extra time learning adjustments are available for:

 + most coursework    

+ a proofreader

+ an interpreter 


Extra time learning adjustments



Applications for extensions and special circumstances are made using the Assessment Support tool. Extension applications have 2 steps. Special circumstance applications require an additional impact statement and evidence, 4 steps in total. Explore our step-by-step guide to completing your application.

Schools have deadlines for special circumstances applications. Applications made after the school deadline will not be considered unless there is an exceptional reason. Each semester has a final cutoff date for applications. Talk to your Student Support Team before submitting your application to get support and a faster decision.

Contact your local student support team, university pastoral services, or external helplines.

Meet the Extensions and Special Circumstances Team.

If you would like to get in touch with us, please email escteam@ed.ac.uk.