Locally Allocated Spaces Contacts

Contact details for Locally Allocated Spaces as well as information for the Servitorial and Ceremonial Services

Servitorial and Ceremonial Services

Information and contact details for the Servitorial Services of the University 




School  Name Building/Room  Email Phone
Biomedical Sciences BMTO East/West Lab: Not bookable For general enquiries: BMTO@ed.ac.uk  
Biomedical Sciences Laura Sheils Anatomy Teaching Lab: Not bookable For general enquiries: Laura.Sheils@ed.ac.uk  
Business School Business School All Teaching Rooms teaching.ops@business-school.ed.ac.uk 650 8072
Business School Business School Conferencing Facilities For conferencing facilities and additional event support: events@business-school.ed.ac.uk   
Business School MBA Team MBA Suite mba.support@business-school.ed.ac.uk 651 5971
Divinity Peter Reehal Rainy Hall ncbookings@ed.ac.uk  
GeoSciences Kath Will Geography (Old Infirmary): Computer Labs, Grant Institute & Crew Building Kath.Will@ed.ac.uk 651 4657
Informatics Vicky MacTaggart Appleton Tower - computer labs/tutorial rooms (Floor 3 and above). Note: all areas are by swipe card access only, and the computer labs are specific to Informatics with DICE enabled machines. Vicky.MacTaggart@ed.ac.uk 651 5498
Informatics School Office Informatics Forum infevent@ed.ac.uk  
Literatures, Languages and Cultures Justyna Hajduczek 50 George Square Computer Lab (1.02), 50 George Square Project Room (1.06) , 16-20 George Square (room 1.22) LLC.Reception@ed.ac.uk 651 5984
Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science PPLS School Office Dugald Stewart Building: Meeting Rooms & Computer Labs ppls.schooloffice@ed.ac.uk 651 3083
Social and Political Sciences SPS Support Chrystal MacMillan Building: B.07 Computing Lab SPS.Support@ed.ac.uk 6511733

Bioquarter and Easter Bush

School  Name Building/Room  Email Phone
College MVM Keith Wylde Chancellor's Building MVM.Bookings@ed.ac.uk 242 9117
Veterinary Studies Lucy Pughe Vet School: Easter Bush lucy.pughe@ed.ac.uk  

Kings Buildings

School  Name Building/Room  Email Phone
Biological Sciences Donna Wright Meeting rooms, Computer Labs and Labs Donna.Wright@ed.ac.uk 651 7051
Chemistry Chemistry Admin Meeting Rooms Chemistry.Admin@ed.ac.uk 650 7546
Engineering Lucy Davie Labs Lucy.Davie@ed.ac.uk 651 7073
Mathematics Alison Fairgrieve JCMB: Room 5205. For Mathematics School use only. Alison.Fairgrieve@ed.ac.uk 650 5045
Physics and Astronomy Gillian MacDonald JCMB : Computer Labs & Specialist Space TeachingOffice.sopa@ed.ac.uk 651 7525

Holyrood and Lauriston

School  Name Building/Room  Email Phone
Centre for Open Learning COL Teaching Office Patersons Land col.teachingoffice@ed.ac.uk  
Edinburgh College of Art Kate Monroe Specialist Rooms Kate.Monroe@ed.ac.uk  
Moray House School of Education School Office Old Nursery Building Meeting Room and Old Moray House, Cromwell and Balcony rooms mhses.events@ed.ac.uk  


Campus Department/Unit Name Building/Room  Email Phone
Central Centre for Research Collections Sarah Deters St Cecilia's Hall Sarah.Deters@ed.ac.uk 650 2600
Central/ Kings Buildings Chaplaincy Centre Chaplaincy Centre Bristo Square (Potterow), Mary Brück (Kings Buildings) Chaplaincy@ed.ac.uk 650 2595
Central Charles Stewart House Reception Cheviot Room, Ochil Room, Torridon Room, Cuilin Room. Note: Meeting rooms not available for teaching. Bookings made via Outlook Calendar. General Enquires: csh.reception@ed.ac.uk 650 9551
Central Edinburgh Climate Change Institute Rodaidh McLaughlin ECCI, High School Yards ecci.info@ed.ac.uk  
Central ACE Lorna Brain McEwan Hall festivals@ed.ac.uk 651 4200
Central Edinburgh University Student Union Anne Hunter EUSA Controlled Rooms room-bookings@eusa.ed.ac.uk  
Central Old College Reception Playfair Library,Carstares Room, Lee Room, Raeburn Room, Elder Room. Note: Meeting rooms not available for teaching. oc.roombooking@ed.ac.uk 650 8003
Central Reid School of Music Moira Landels Reid Concert Hall Moira.Landels@ed.ac.uk 651 4336
Lauriston IS Corporate Facilities IS Corporate Facilities Argyle House IS.Roombookings@ed.ac.uk 650 4141