Contact us

Contact details for the Timetabling Unit and gatekeepers of Locally Allocated Spaces

General Enquiries

Timetabling and Examinations teams use UniDesk to handle users’ general queries. This method helps to organise your queries and easily track the progress of each of them.


Send enquiry about Room Bookings or Timetables




Room Bookings and Room Allocations

Campus ContactPrimary ContactSecondary Contact
 BioQuarterBen Poots 
Central Drew HowieArran McHardy, Scott Price
Easter BushDrew Howie 
HolyroodArran McHardy 
Kings BuildingsRobert Kirkwood 
LauristonScott Price 
New CollegeRobert Kirkwood 
Western GeneralBen Poots 
Student Society and Summer School 

Contacts for Locally Allocated Space

Contacts for locally allocated rooms for Colleges and Schools including the meeting rooms in Charles Stewart House and Old College.  The meeting rooms in Old College and Charles Stewart House are not available for teaching.

Local Contacts


Teaching Timetables and Timetabling Data

Biological SciencesKathryn Fairfoul
Biomedical SciencesHuzan Bharucha
Business SchoolAdam MacDonald
Centre for Open LearningAdam MacDonald
ChemistryWik Lyszczarz
DivinityAdam MacDonald
EconomicsAnthony Mumford
Edinburgh College of ArtElaine Tang
Edinburgh Futures InstituteForbes Kennedy
Edinburgh Medical SchoolHuzan Bharucha
EngineeringJo Cross
GeoSciencesJo Cross
Health in Social ScienceElaine Tang
History, Classics and ArchaeologyElaine Tang
Informatics & EPCCJo Cross
Institute for Academic DevelopmentAnthony Mumford
LawForbes Kennedy
Literatures, Languages and CulturesAnthony Mumford
MathematicsJo Cross
Moray House School of EducationForbes Kennedy
Philosophy, Psychology and Language SciencesAnthony Mumford
Physics and AstronomyWik Lyszczarz
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary StudiesWik Lyszczarz
Social and Political ScienceAdam MacDonald

*Please note that if your contact is on annual leave please contact



Contact details for Modelling and Reporting

Modelling and Reporting Enquiries

Contact details for Timetabling and Examinations Officer

Timetabling and Examinations System Officer



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British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the University of Edinburgh via Contact Scotland BSL, the online British Sign Language video relay interpreting service.

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