Timetabling Systems

Timetabling and Examinations services use EventMap products which are mainly Timetabler, Booker, and Exam.

Timetabling and Examination systems are fed by Euclid and HR systems. Student, staff and courses information is transformed in EventMap applications into visible teaching, room and examinations timetables.

Timetabling and Examinations data is then shown in numerous university-wide systems and applications.


Personalised Teaching Timetable can be viewed in the following systems and applications:


View personalised timetable

Office365 (Student only)

Provides a personlised timetable on your phone, computer or other device through Office 365 calendars


Allows you to view course timetables


Personalised Examination Timetable can be viewed in the following systems and applications:


Provides a personilsed exam timetable

Exam Web Timetables

Allows you to find the date, time and locations of your exams


Course Timetable can be viewed in the following systems:


Allows you to select and view courses to help build a timetable for your courses.

Course Timetable Browser (CTB)

Course Timetable Browser is a tool for students and Personal Tutors to help building a timetable and seeing potential course combinations. It is very useful prior to choosing optional courses as it helps to check for clashes and provides a visual representation of possible future timetables.


The Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study provides information on the programmes of study offered by the University of Edinburgh, and sets out the regulatory framework by which these are governed, together with the regulations and codes that govern the general context of a student’s academic career at the University.


Path is a course selection and programme building tool.


Blackboard Learn is the primary Virtual Learning Environment at the University of Edinburgh. The Learn service currently hosts more than 5000 courses providing access to course materials, assignments, grades, feedback, and much more.


Room and building timetable can be viewed in the following systems and devices:


To book/request available rooms and desks from the 22nd July 2024


To view timetables for courses, locations as well as personlised student timetables

Digital Screens

Located outside the majority of rooms and provides information on the current booking and next booking for individual rooms


Timetabling data is triggering Lecture Recording Service 

Lecture recording provides students with video recordings of lectures that they can watch again anytime and anywhere.


Other interfaces fed by timetabling data are:

BI Suite

BI Suite provides a web-based reporting environment which allows for reports to be created, edited, made available for others to view, or distributed

Room Information web pages

Provides further information regarding all bookable space, such as capacity, AV and pictures. You can also find this information within 


Change Request Form 

Teaching changes can be submitted using the Teaching Change Request Form