Timetabling and Examinations Strategy

Road Map for Timetabling and Examinations

Timetabling and Examinations mission is to:

  • Combine student, staff, space and time data to deliver dynamic and complete timetables for students and staff
  • Allocate teaching, study, meeting and event space in a way that matches our users’ requirements and expectations
  • Balance the needs of teaching activities while booking spaces for ad-hoc business
  • Ensure all teaching rooms are optimally scheduled through the whole teaching year
  • Ensure adequate provision of exam-appropriate space
  • Inform strategic Estates development decisions in relation to teaching and examination space
  • Provide a core timetabling modelling service to support evolving curriculum and daily operation
  • Keep up to date with technological developments and digital solutions within the Timetabling sector by participating in Conferences and Timetabling Experts Groups
  • Consult with timetabling and examinations experts across the sector in order to share best practice and evolution of the service
  • Influence development of the current and future supplier’s products via closer engagement with vendors
  • Manage end to end timetabling and examinations processes, always meeting set KPIs
  • Make sure that business processes are supported by the best available technology and infrastructure
  • Frequently review business processes, identify wastes and adopt improved processes


In Timetabling and Examinations Unit  we are committed to continuously improve our services and we have recently updated our strategic plan. This describes our services’ goals and strategic objectives we will be focusing on by 2025.


To view Timetabling and Examinations Strategy 2025 click here:




