A list of frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not covered here, please contact us Room questionsHow do I book a room?To request a room you can use EventMap Booker at https://booker.is.ed.ac.uk/.How do I review/cancel a booking?You can review or cancel a booking by going into Booker and clicking on 'my bookings' at the top of the page. This will load up all your bookings and you can cancel the booking by selecting it and clicking the Cancel button.Are there charges for cancelling a booking?There are no charges for cancelling a booking. Charges will only be applied if you cancel an out of hours booking within 2 working days of the booking (to cover the servitor who had been arranged for the booking).Can we have external speakers and who do we inform?External speakers are allowed as long as you adhere to the University of Edinburgh policy on speakers and events.Can we bring our own food?You are not allowed to bring your own food. If the room you have booked allows for catering you need to contact one of the University's approved caterers to supply the food. These are Edinburgh First or Honours Catering.What are the timelines for making a booking?All teaching rooms are constrained during semester times to allow core teaching to be allocated first. The constraints for Semester 1 ad-hoc bookings are normally removed in early July, with Semester 2 being removed in the later part of Autumn. There are also some rooms that have priority booking periods outwith the semesters which will restrict booking requests being made.How do I book additional Audio Visual equipment?Additonal AV equipment can be requested from Learning Spaces TechnologyWhy can't I access the Booker site?The Booker is EASE authenticated so you would need to be EASE authenticated. If the page is not loading, contact Timetabling and Examinations services or check the IS faults reports line to see if there is any planned maintenance works.Why haven't I been allocated the room I requested?There may have been some core teaching placed in the room after you made the request, or another user had requested the same room as you but had submitted their request before you.How do I find out about who to contact about a local room?How do I find out about who to contact about a local room?Contacts for locally allocated rooms can be found here Timetable/TeachingHow do I make a change to core teaching?Please complete the teaching change request formWhy is the Teaching Change Request Form not availbile?The form is closed at the end of Semester 2 and is re-opened once the Main Allocation Process has been declared to Schools.How do I change a student's tutorial group?Please complete a Change Request Form and select Student Allocation option.Can I double book a student? How can I do this?Use the teaching change request form and select Double booked student optionHow quickly do changes show on student timetables?Changes made in Timetabler should update within 10 minutes of the change being made.How do I make something appear on a timetable?The activity needs to be attached to a Course so that it can feed into the students timetables.Why won't my bookings show on timetables?Your Booking requests will not show on a student's timetable as they are not associated with a course. To get the bookings to appear on a timetable you will need to complete a Change Request Form, indicating the changes you wish to appear. This article was published on 2024-07-29