Information regarding catering Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Catering for the Chancellor's Building, the PEC and Hospital ward room bookings at RIE must be ordered through Equans. Equans have created a new Hospitality Order form for use at Chancellor's Building and RIE site, to improve the ordering process from the customer side and to improve efficiency throughout the process for Equans, including the invoice stage. The form has basically the same content but the format has changed from Microsoft Word to Excel. Please note there are no changes to the pricing structure or brochure and it is merely the format of the order form that has changed. Equans are an independent company and not part of either the University or NHS Lothian. Any contract for the supply of catering is the sole responsibility of Equans. Below is the Order form for catering requests: Document Equans Hospitality Form (34.97 KB / XLSX) Document Equans Hospitality Booklet (126.3 KB / PDF) WGH Medical Education Centre and Anne Ferguson Building Catering for the Medical Education Centre and Anne Ferguson Building in WGH can be arranged via the WGH catering department on 0131 537 1366. It is the booker’s responsibility to organise catering for their own event. Staff working in the Medical Education Centre do not organise catering for any events. This article was published on 2024-07-29