Special Arrangements Exams Timetable

Students with special arrangements are provided with a personalised timetable.

Students with special examination arrangements:

  • Your timetable is available on your Office 365 calendar and more information is available from our FAQs  Examination Timetables.  Please check all your exams are in your calendar and click into the exam to see more information.
  • Instructions of setting up your devices is available from here


      Exam Timetable

  • If exams are missing from your calendar or you are not intending on sitting an exam, please email examinations@ed.ac.uk as soon as you receive your timetable.    


    On the day of the exam


  • Please arrive in good time, as you will not receive additional time if you are late.
  • Maps for each campus alongside relevant travel information can be found here: https://www.ed.ac.uk/maps/maps
  • If at any time during exams you think that you have not been given the correct concessions you should speak to the invigilator in the first instance then check by emailing examinations@ed.ac.uk


    Using a PC 


  • Computer Lab - if you have been allocated the use of a PC, you should ensure that you know the basics.  Within the computer lab you will be required to print your exam, at the end of your time, you will also be required to sign for the number of copies printed.
  • Individual Room or Small Room – if you have the use of an individual room or a small room and a PC, you will receive a laptop.  You will be required to save your work on a USB stick and confirm how many pages are to be printed.  You will not have access to print your work; the exams team will print this.