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Do you hold an offer to study on the Fire Engineering Science MSc at the University of Edinburgh OR have an offer presently under review within the University applications system?
Have you uploaded your CV (maximum two pages A4, size 11 font) to your Admissions application?
Have you uploaded your personal statement addressing the above criteria and any other information that applicants consider relevant to their application (max two pages A4, size 11 font) to your Admissions application?
Have you uploaded a certified copy of your Higher Education (Bachelor/Master) transcript of records, along with a certified English translation (where relevant?) to your Admissions application?
Please provide names and contact information for the first referee details who we may contact (these may be the same as those you have used for your University application).
Please provide names and contact information for the second referee details who we may contact (these may be the same as those you have used for your University application).
I consent to the University processing the information I provide.